The OC Team

The best team with the best tech, delivering the best fan experiences.

Oc Ronthomson Newbg

Ron Thomson

Visionary leader with 20+ years of experience in media, entertainment, and tech. Founder of Cameron Thomson Group, driving innovation and growth for global brands.

Frank Tissera

Financial strategist with 25+ years in diverse industries, including cleantech, IT, and media. Holds CPA, ACMA, and CGMA certifications.
Oc Peterdikhazi Wihte

Péter Dikházi

Tech innovator specializing in AI, IoT, and hybrid cloud solutions. Architect of groundbreaking streaming and content monetization platforms. Ran HBO Go Internationally for 10+ years.

Tim Prior
International Business Development

Entertainment industry entrepreneur specializing in international commercialization and business development.
Oc Clifffluet500 5

Cliff Fluet
Senior Industry Advisor

A veteran advisor to artists and creators, and a recognized leader at the intersection of law, technology, and charity within the media & entertainment industry.
Oc Lisapereria V4

Lisa Pereira
Director of Ticketing Operations

Ticketing veteran managing sales for iconic artists like George Michael and James Taylor, serving over 1M fans worldwide.
Oc Gregschneider Newbg

Greg Schneider
Director of Accounts

Expert in global campaigns for music legends like Elton John and Santana, generating multimillion dollar revenues.
Oc Aaronstjohnv3

Aaron St. John
Director of Projects

Industry leader in music bundles with 300+ campaigns for stars like Paul McCartney, Ariana Grande, and The Weeknd.